Saturday, February 16, 2008

treadmills vs elliptical trainers

Well what is the right answer to this question so many have asked us here at . After a close look at the treadmill, and many makers of treadmills sucha as Bremshey, Tunturi, Landice, DiamondBack, Nautilus, BodyCraft, Bh Fitness, Precor, LifeFitness, True, Horizon, Vision Fitness, and the many other other off brands.

The staff @ looked at the many elliptical trainers on the market as well such as: Precor, Quantum Fitness, BodyGuard Fitness, Bremshey, BH Fitness, Landice, Horizon, and many other off brands as well.

Our conclusion is @ the treadmills is the clear winner. The imput of musclar and cardio engry, place the treadmill at the top of the fitness equipment food chain. The eliptical trainer is great for those of us that are bang up a little. It works great for the cardio side of the workout.

Ellipticals are changing quickly and therefor they will be moving up the chain fast.

Suggestion for great treadmills are as follows: Landice, Bremshey, BodyCraft, Nautilus, BodyGuard, BH Fitness.

Ellipticals are : BodyGuard, Bremshey, BH Fitness, Landice, Smooth

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